Yamaha TR1
Shoulda woulda coulda
The Vintagent Selects: The Piston King
1 day ago
"Driving my cousin home one Friday
night we passed a group of boys walking
into town. One of them drew our attention as he
was dancing like a tit, with his pals laughing.
Unbeknownst to him, as he was doing this, his
wallet fell out his back pocket.
My cousin suggested we turn around and see what was
in it.
By the time we got there, the boys were nowhere
to be seen and the area was deserted. After some
searching we found the wallet which contained
just 20 pounds, cards and a ticket to a gig that
We decided to find the boys and give it
back, laughing at how surprised he would be to
be approached and handed his own wallet. But
then a much funnier idea came to us. First we
drove around until we spotted them. Then,
knowing they were heading in to town through a
quiet industrial area, we drove about a quarter
of a mile ahead.
We then placed the wallet on the pavement
right in their path and hid to watch them approach,
say 'Hey! That's someone's wallet over there,'
walk up to it, pick it up excitedly, open it looking for riches
and inexplicably discover it was theirs. The
absolute confusion and surprise was hilarious to
watch. I like to think they still talk about how
one of their wallets somehow jumped ahead of
Unbeknownst to him, as he was doing this, his